Now that that’s out of the way, I have a very exciting announcement. If I’m not mistaken, I think I may be the first media outlet to break the news. SOC exclusive bitches! No, facebook isn’t a media outlet. Shut up. Anyway, you guys ready? Here goes…

Dear God No! is finally coming to Limited Edition DVD and 1080p HD Blu-ray June 5th! That’s right. Straight from the directors mouth. You’ve heard the hype, now you can see it for yourself. It’s packed with special features too. Here are the details James Bickert told me to tell the Cellmates…
-Anamorphic Widescreen transfer from original Super 16mm film.
- Director & Composer commentary.
-Actor commentary.
-Behind the scenes gag reel.
-Vlog the Magnificent at the world Premiere.
-Torture Porn promo.
-Zombie Promo.
-Art & Still slideshow.
-Chapter menu.
-6 Easter Eggs!
Do you hear that? That’s the earth shaking! If you’re not ridiculously excited at this moment, check your pulse. Pre-order details haven’t been released quite yet, so stay tuned to the DEAR GOD NO website and DEAR GOD NO FACEBOOK to find out how to get your grubby little mitts on a copy.
Ok, now it’s time for the big announcement. Who is taking home all of these actual screen used props from the flick?

The winner of the Dear God No Screen Used Prop Giveaway is (drumroll)…
Eric Martin
Congratulations Eric. He writes the Guts and Grog blog, which I highly recommend you go check out. I’m gonna be honest folks, I don’t play favorites and I love all of my Cellmates the same, but I was kinda hoping the drawing would go his way. I know he wanted it so bad he could freakin’ taste it. Way to go Groggy! I also drew 3 additional names, and these folks will be receiving a copy of the AWESOME poster featuring artwork by The Dude Design’s Tom Hodge. The posters go to…Dr. Jimmy Terror (of Dr. Terror’s Blog of Horrors)
Jacob Klingele (of Toys Can’t Hurt You)
Rob Emery (of the band Coffin Syrup)
Congratulations to all of the winners. I’ll be getting in touch with you in the next few days to get your info so I can send those prizes out. Thank you to all of you who entered. Spread the word, giveaway madness is continuing here at Son of Celluloid. I’ll be giving away a signed copy of Girls & Corpses magazine on Thursday, so get those last minute entries in HERE. I’ve also got a lot more cool stuff to give away in the next few weeks, so stay tuned and, like I said, spread the disease...I mean word.
Jacob Klingele (of Toys Can’t Hurt You)
Rob Emery (of the band Coffin Syrup)
I'm not gonna lie... that poster was calling to me.
Thanks my good friend.
Many thanks. I love that poster and I'm loving your blog.
Thank you sir.
Thank you so much!!! I'm very grateful to have won this kick ass poster! I will be pre-ordering the bluray as soon as the details are released! Cheers to your kick ass blog!!!!
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