You all know from reading the blog that, in general, I'm kinda sick of found footage movies, but here's one I actually can't wait to check out. Remember, when I was talking about Rec 3 I said that I think the found footage gimmick is played out? As long as they keep making money and costing next to nothing to make, though, the market is going to continue to be over saturated with them. What that means to me is that if a FFF is going to catch my interest, it's got to offer something I've never seen before. So many movies are just the same old shaky cam ghost hunt. Well, Area 407 is offering up something I haven't seen before in a found footage flick...dinosaurs. Freakin' dinosaurs! No one, and I mean NO ONE, can deny the sheer coolness of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are awesome, and that's all there is to it. We need more dinosaur movies in fact. Well, here's the first one in a while, and I for one am excited. Jurassic Activity anyone?
Here's the synopsis: After taking off on a flight from New York to Los Angeles on New Years Eve, the passengers of Flight 37A are soon sent into shock and alarm as the plane experiences severe turbulence. The relentless weather attack causes panic and terror amongst the passengers until the plane ultimately crashes in a remote government-testing reserve, AREA 407. Through footage captured by two teenage sisters, the accident and crash lead to further events that should not be viewed by the faint of heart. As they continue to film, it becomes apparent that the remaining survivors of Flight 37A may not survive the night.
And here’s the trailer…
And, since IFC Midnight is hooking y’all up, here are a couple of clips…
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