This movie is called Crack Whore. There. I probably don’t
even need to write a review now. That’s
one of those titles that, upon hearing it, you already know if you want to see
it or not. If you’re still reading
this, you’re probably the type of sicko that would dig this movie. How do I know? Because everyone else has already said “Ugh, Crack Whore? I would never watch a movie with a name like
that.” Therefore, if you’re waiting to
hear my thoughts on Crack Whore, you’d probably like it. In the words of Jabba the Hutt, you’re my
kind of scum. But they don’t pay me the
big bucks to not… bahahahaha… sorry, I couldn’t even type that with a straight
face. Let’s try that again. But you
don’t come here for me to just say “the title says it all,” so let’s break this
sucker down, shall we?
Synopsis: The story of a Crack addicted prostitute named
Honey. A girl who goes to a party out in the desert where she falls victim to
drugs and gang rape. Spoon feeding herself crack, Honey decides to settle the
I do believe that this movie has ushered in a whole new
subgenre of exploitation cinema; the rape revenge comedy. Yes, the rape revenge comedy. Actually, the flick is mainly a comedy about dirty, drugged out hicks and hookers out in the desert that’s book-ended by a rape
revenge story. As we all know, I’m
notoriously picky about my comedy, especially my low brow comedy. I will admit, when I saw that the flick was
from a company called Fart House Cinema, I was a little worried. My worried were unfounded, however, because
Crack Whore definitely made me laugh.
My favorite scene has to be the POV rape scene. It was, hands down, the most hilarious rape
scene in movie history. On the list of
sentences I never imagined that I would ever type, that last one is pretty
high. Anyway, the best part of that
scene, and for my money the best part of the whole flick, is George Troester’s
performance as Cornfed. From the rape
scene on, I don’t think there was a moment he was on screen when I wasn’t
laughing. Most of the dialog in the
film has a very improvised feel. If it
was improvised, then the actors deserve a LOT of credit for some of the lines
they came up with. If it wasn’t
improvised, then writer/director Lance Polland deserves massive credit for
writing some hilarious stuff and the actors get credit for making it seem so
natural. Either way, the actors get
major kudos. Even with the characters
that I didn’t find all that funny, like Bubba Ray, the performers, in this case
Christopher Raff, are to be commended for their dedication to their roles,
because they certainly do play them to the hilt.
The yucks aren’t all the movie has to offer though. There’s some nice low budget gore once the
“revenge” portion kicks in. I know I
focused on the rapists earlier, but leading lady Julianne Tura and supporting
redneck David C Hayes both bring a lot to the proceedings. Director Polland makes the absolute most of
the desert location, which looks great.
There are a couple of really cool camera angles used. I won’t give away the best shot, but I will
say that it happens during a disemboweling.
You’ll know the one I’m talking about when you see it. There are also the tits, which are always a plus,
especially in a welcome psychedelic interlude.
The soundtrack is perfectly chosen and used to accentuate the white
trash rocker feeling of the film. Don’t
read that as a knock on the music. I
really liked the music. It’s probably
got the best raunch-rock soundtrack since Dear God No. Here’s how you know a soundtrack is good; I
rewound the credits just so I could google the bands.
My only real quibbles with Crack Whore are some pacing
issues. A couple of scenes just go on a
little too long. For instance, I’m cool
with Honey having a dance scene on the pool table. But, if it’s gonna go on for almost three minutes, no matter how
hot she is (and make no mistake about it, she is pretty damn hot), nudity is
required. That’s just the law of the
exploitation jungle. She got naked
later, so I’m curious as to why she didn’t in that scene. Not that it wasn’t a - let’s just say -
“enjoyable” scene, it just needed a payoff.
The Happy Land scene, however, drug.
It had good music, but it took too long getting where it needed to go
and got repetitive. Aside from that,
the only issues are the kind of questionable details that may or may not have
been intentional; like why did her bruises wash off in the shower and, if she
just got gang raped, why are her panties still on?

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